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Welcome To Parents Corner

COVID 19 Procedure

To keep children and staff safe at BBASC these are the following guidelines that we are adhering to.

  1. Maximising outdoor play as much as possible( weather permitting)

  2. Enhanced hand washing by staff and children (on arrival, before and after snack, after baking and going to the toilet and when leaving).

  3. Hand washing for 20 seconds (sing happy birthday TWICE)

  4. Tablets are wiped down after every use to minimise the risk of transmission.

  5. Toys are cleaned daily- we now have a steam cleaner.

  6. Parents DO NOT enter the play setting, for the time being. We will bring your child to you and offer hand gel.

COVID 19 Symptoms

Do not bring your children to BBASC if they have the following symptoms.

  1. high temperature

  2. a new continuous cough- this means coughing a lot more than an hour or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hrs

  3. a loss or change in your sense of smell or taste.

If your child is showing any of these symptoms please self isolate and call NHS 111 and request a test. For more information please speak to Alison or Liz.

Coronavirus-Kids-Fact-Sheet october 2020
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Please click here to read our 1st Newsletter of 2019/2020!

Our overall  policy


Our aim is to provide your children with a safe, friendly, healthy and nuturing environment whilst providing you with peace of mind that your Children are being cared for out of school hours.



Please click here to send us an email or give us a call on 07867455061


All of our staff strictly abide by our policies which will very shortly be able to be viewed and downloaded here :-


Please click on the Form from the list below that you require.






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