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Bearsden Before and After School Care is a professional out of school childcare service and was set up by Ann Rushforth MBE of ScotNursing & Medical Services Limited to provide a solution for out of hours care for children attending Mosshead Primary School, Bearsden.


We are based at Bearsden Ski Club, just a short distance from the School and provide the highest quality childcare within a play environment for school age children.


Please click here to meet our Team.


We currently have 6 members of staff and look after up to 45 children in the Afternoon Club and up to 40 children at Breakfast Club from ages 4-12 years. 


We provide a Breakfast Club Mon-Fri (7:30am-9:00am) and an After School Club and activities Mon-Fri (3:00pm-6:00pm).


The After-School Club provides a safe and happy environment for the children to enjoy. We have the use of a large roomy area partly seated with a wide open space within Bearsden Ski Club Function Suites with secure outdoor playground areas. We also benefit from the playground  at Mosshead Primary School providing a mix of games and equipment to allow pupils to play and ensure they are kept happy and occupied for the duration of each session.


All children are provided with a healthy snack. We promote healthy eating through the daily snacks, projects and activities that the children enjoy.


Whilst in attendance the children sit together and are actively encouraged to discuss their day in a relaxed atmosphere.


Supervised technology is sometimes available for educational activities


Please click here to find out what Projects we are currently offering.

Give us a call:

07867 455061

We are  inspected by the care inspectorate and are registered for up to 45 children per day.


Our inspection report can be accessed online at


We are also a member of the Scottish Out of School Care Network and East Dunbartonshire Out of School Care .


All of our members of Staff are registered with SSSC and abide by the SSSC Code of Practice which can be found by clicking here.


Updates :

Quarterly Newsletters


Look out for our Quarterly Newletter available from Staff or by email by Clicking here to Regsiter.

Alternatively visit our Parents Corner Page.






Senior Club!


We encourage our Children to be more proactive in the running of the Club. Our P6&P7's are currently running in the following Projects:-


Art Activities


Supervised IT/Web Updates

Project Updates


For more info visit Senior Club page


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